Vector Art
While at university, I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator. I tend to use it to mimic in flat vector art form both anime artwork and photos of real objects, and then I make modifications if necessary from there.
I created this vector art in Adobe Illustrator. The art is modeled after Gosho Aoyama's anime style.
I made this symbol to refer to global government (world domination). Seven alien-like creatures rule in the image, their eyes gazing down toward the Earth.
Despite being a mashup of the chess video logo, this vector art experiment turned out rather creepy.
I created this vector art in Adobe Illustrator. The art is modeled after Gosho Aoyama's anime style.
Physical Art
Although most of my physical art I did when rather young, one can see that I did not stick to a single art-form. I dabbled in pottery, impressionist painting, and even papier-mâché. Like a lot of others, I did a considerable amount of drawing, but my focus back then was on landscapes and cityscapes. I was not good at drawing humans.