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Under the Radar No More? Is It Time for Sapiocracy?

21 Sept. 2019


One of the classic strategies proposed for those with high IQ and or high amounts of important background knowledge is that they play out their lives in a low-key, under-the-radar manner. To some degree, this is done to maintain the sanity of the intelligent. But could this strategy itself be one best suited for the means and not well-suited for the extremes?

The Under-the-Radar Strategy and Preparedness

This under-the-radar strategy only can work well insofar as the overall system that holds up society itself remains at least somewhat stable. In scenarios of severe system decline, the under-the-radar strategy does little for the intelligent but limit their preparedness: for in numbers there is strength, if cooperation is key. If the intelligent have isolated themselves for so long (even relatively speaking), those in the out-group might not trust them even as trust is the true currency for action.

At the other extreme, we have the arrival of superior artificial intelligence. In this scenario, the concern is rather different, for those who are on the more intelligent end of the spectrum are in high demand to keep the system itself afloat. It behooves their own self-interest for someone to represent them politically who actually understands them well. Moreover, for the society as a whole, we are best served to have those representing us to the artificial intelligence be those who are the most mentally adept. The ability to bridge the gap between a highly intelligent AI and the common man remains essential: the benefits of the adherence to Reason are just too great to pass up.

I’ve been an intellectual who has been mostly behind-the-scenes and somewhat under-the-radar for a while now (even with the friends I do have, I keep much very close to the vest). In looking in from the outside, as it were, as being an observer of the media of multiple mights and flavors, the levels of insanity and evil on display seem rather ugly. Of course, having an education in media and keeping tabs on quite a bit of commentary over the past several years, it comes at no surprise. Novelty and conflict are major parts of what sells in news.

However, in quite a few of my interactions with others, I have noticed what seems like a high reliance on “scripts,” conventional talking points, or formulas. This is what some others would call the whole “NPC” (non-player character) phenomenon — the mannequin driving the van, as it were. Folks have been “creatures of habit” a bit too much, it seems. Don’t be afraid to mix-it-up a bit and be relentless in learning more. This whole “running on a mental script” thing is preventing us or slowing us down from achieving greater progress.

Now, on the one hand, we have the futurists declaring to us that the singularity is near, that a revolution in healthcare that transforms human civilization is just around the corner, and so on. On the other hand, we have the preppers and the naysayers who point to the increasing problems that confront us as leading to a crisis scenario. In either case, the means give way to the extremes, and the most intelligent arguably ought to emerge out of the shadows.

But what about a middle-path in between the two? Well, even for that scenario, I would suggest that my fellow intellectuals consider ending the under-the-radar approach to life. After all, that is only a scenario in which we avoid disaster through the use of technologies created by the more intelligent classes of human persons. We are talking about the difference here between the S-Curve and the Hubbert’s Curve, so far as civilization’s well-being trajectory is concerned. To avoid a peak-to-crash scenario, we must have the ability to establish a “new normal.” In other words, we will transform our world to save it. But such re-engineering requires quite a bit of intelligence and man-hours, and that’s where the intelligent must come into the picture.

In a sense, I am also calling my fellow intellectuals to embrace excellence and shun mediocrity. It is an easy road to take to try to stay under the radar and minimize interaction with other humans. (However, to some degree, a safe distance can be maintained through social media. So then, for online communications, the intellectual can more often take the role of teacher of cyber-mentor, at least, if anyone else is willing to be the learner or mentee. Then again though, to some extent, even advice can be automated.) It is a more challenging but more needful road to take to try to keep it all together while dealing with others who clearly have trouble doing so.

Make an impact. Leave no prisoners. Hack reality. Mint a President. Make the Sapiocracy happen, for the love of all that is good.

— Z. E. Kendall

And now, time for me to go to sleep. 5:46 A.M. is late enough in the morning to stay awake.

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