9 Oct. 2014
October. Change is in the air: the leaves fall from the trees; the skunks shy away from car headlights at night; people put up homes for sale and try to move on to the next stage in their lives.
The key to real estate, as it has been said, is location, location, location.
Well, for me as a writer, the key is ideas, ideas, ideas. In the process of creating this new book, I have been gradually accumulating ideas on how to make it better.
What ideas?
A poem at the beginning of each chapter. At least one quote at the beginning of each chapter, relevant to the chapter’s content. A timeline of some significant events. And maybe even a brief translation of a well known passage, but in a language you might not expect.
But the next idea I have been thinking about for a long time now. In doing the research and coming upon many photos related to the book’s events, it became apparent that I wanted to include too many photos for any publisher to agree to put in a print book over 300 pages long.
(Oh, was that news to you? The book is going to be over 300 pages long.)
So the question arose, “What am I going to do with all of those pictures?”
Decisions, decisions.
Well, before this year is up, I hope to have an answer to that question.
In the meantime, stay on the look out.